Yesterday morning at 5:30 Hunter came running into my room squealing with excitement that "It snowed, it snowed!" What it had really done is sleeted, but my little desert rats don't know the difference. The high was only in the 20s but the boys were so happy with their "snow" they played outside for hours anyway.

A family in the neighborhood came by pulling a sled with their riding lawnmower. The boys thought that was one of the coolest things they'd ever seen and made friends with them right away. That's Brigham in the front and Hunter in the middle.
After warm showers (Hunter's pants had sheets of ice on the legs) and cozy jammies, the boys capped of their perfect winter day making a gingerbread house. I made a mild attempt to contribute, but Hunter shooed me from the room. I wasn't upset.
When we set up the boys' bedroom here we decided to put their beds together like one big bed. Last night when I went in to check on them before I went to bed, this is what I found:
They do like each other! Do you think they'll still hold hands when they sleep when they're 16 and 13?
That last pics is basically the cutest thing! Seriously! I remember when it would "snow" in Texas and the ONE time it did in Vegas. :) Your desert rats need to come to Utah for a visit! I also love their jammies.
Ok, the last picture brought a tear to my eye. That is adorable!
These are just so perfect! So sweet! You should all come visit - we have enough snow for all of oklahoma too ;).
No credit for the gingerbread house?! Kinda like when Brigham would show everyone "his" jack-o-lantern. Aunt Mami get's the shaft.
Okay, okay! I was going for brevity in my post. I was shooed from the room because Hunter wanted Aunt Mamie time. She was the brain behind the operation.
That pic of them holding hands really choked me up.
That picture is priceless! It made me cry. They might not want to hold each others hands at 16 and 13, but they will have each others backs. Sweet little guys. How is Seth?---oh, this is Kennedy on Russ' computer.
Now I have a big tear in my eye. Thanks for sharing that sweet picture. You should frame it.
Was that the Makins who towed them around? Dave's always 'crusin' around the neighborhood on that mower with his kids in tow...
Such cute boys! Just so you know-I got so caught up in reading everything that I made Ashlynn late for kindergarten!
By the way-I love his smile!If you change your mind I'll watch him in Jan! He misses me!
Do I get invited to the "remember Matt" blog? It would really help Maggie. She was needing some stories the other day.
The picture of them holding hands got me all choked up. I wish they would just stay little.
Brenda it is so good to hear from you. The boys are so beautiful (we can say that until their about 12ish. Christmas looks like fun in the snow, but looks is good enough for me. It has been raining here fot the past 2 days. I wish that we were closer and an so excited to share life via blogging. I am still a little rebelious and feel corny writing about myself and family. I keep getting told that people want to hear. And i love to hear about everyone elses lives. I am so proud of you that you are starting grad school. I will!!! have a BA maybe in 2 yrs. I just got the AA out of the way and start ASU in the spring, which is like 1 month away. I am super nervous. Keep up the geat blogging. Mel
I have been thinking of you often since you posted a comment on my blog last week.
I don't know you, but I am so impressed by the way you are handling this chapter in your life.
Instead of sorrow you find peace.
Instead of selfishness you find strength.
Instead of greed you find gratitude.
I am embarrassed by my lack of all three of the latter. As evidenced by some of my more depressing posts:)
The brevity(your word, thank you:) of our stations in this life are shocking when you come face to face with the reality of the fragile nature of the living. The separation from those we love and those whom loved us back, although temporary, is just plain lonely. have,
1.your boys
2.your family
3.your new e-bff's who happen to love sweet pictures of little boys:)
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