It's not an intricate design, it's just about the shirts.

My favorite squares are the ones that still look like shirts, with the buttons and the pockets intact.
I wanted the packages to be really pretty by themselves. Presentation is everything, Matt often said.
Just a close-up of the tags I made for each quilt.

Though it was labor intensive to do that many quilts in that amount of time, I am happy with the way they turned out. I can look at each one of the squares and remember what Matt looked like wearing each of those shirts. I hope those who received them enjoy them and that they remind them of our happy times together.
What wonderful gifts. That is such a great idea.
WOW! I am amazed that you did all that and what a wonderful idea.
I love that you can still snuggle with part of Matt! That is amazing! And what a comfort for your boys! What a great idea! You are amazing! I may steal your idea, but I will not make as many as you have! Maybe just one for us all to share! I too like the squares with the shirt pockets! Love it!
What a special project. They're beautiful.
What a creative idea! They turned out great and will be cherished for years to come. Hope you had a great Christmas and are surviving the cold!
what a beautiful idea. i agree with matt, it's all in the presentation. you did a beautiful job with both. :) we watched our new "reflections of Christ" dvd tonight, and thought of you and matt as they explained how they did the angel photograph. was that done at matt's studio? it's a beautiful photograph. much love, j
It was done in Matt's studio. They hauled a big trampoline right in front of the green screen and started shooting. I happened to stop by that day so I saw some of it myself. It was quite the production!
You are truly amazing and!!! I mean that with every exclamation point!! I have never heard of such a wonderful and thoughtful idea...They are absoloutly beautiful and I am amazed that you had time to do it all...Matt's family is lucky to have you and that you cared so much to do that for them....I miss you and hope you had a great Christmas...I also need your address to send a card...
Talk to you soon...Hugs to you, your boys and to your mom and Dad!!!
That is awesome!
Hey Brenda,
You are truley amazing.What a wonderful idea... I love that you always have an amazing way of taking something and makeing it wonderful. I hope you had a great Christmas.
I LOVE THEM! I knew that they would turn out beautiful. What a great idea and a wonderful gift. You did a fabulous job wrapping them too.:0)
You never cease to amaze me with your creative ideas. What a great idea! They turned out beautiful...
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