Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Word Wednesday

I recently started studying to take the GRE (the grown-up equivalent of the SATs) so I can begin the application process for grad school. As part of my study materials I have a huge deck of vocabulary words I'm supposed to learn. I've decided that you all could stand to enhance your vocabularies as well, so around these parts Wednesdays will now be known as New Word Wednesday.

I chose today's word from the deck because it surprised me so much. Not only did I have no idea what it meant, but I had no idea it was even a word separate from the religion--and I'll bet you didn't either.

The word is CATHOLIC. It's an adjective meaning "universal; broad and comprehensive". ex. sentence: "Hot tea with honey is a catholic remedy for a sore throat." Synonyms: extensive, general

Be honest, did you know this already?


Brooke said...

Sure didn't! I am liking your idea. I will have to share it with Eric. He likes to learn new words as well.

Christy said...

Carl said he knew it but as you might remember, he's an insufferable know it all.

Thanks for the heads up on your blog. Love it!

Quin's momma said...

I think, at some point, I remember learning that. However, it had slipped my mind...I'm sure because there is so much knowledge in there right now.

Anonymous said...

That is interesting...I would like to know how the church came to use that word as its name.

Quin's momma said...

Yes, 25 years- can you believe it?? I probably should not have said that- since I'm ONLY 25 years old, right? You're only 25, too!

Lauri said...

I knew this, but only since a few days ago!! It was in a book I was reading. Wow.

Christopher said...

Hmmm...guess I didn't know that either.
And I thought the Unitarians supposedly had a corner on 'general' or 'non-exclusive'.