Here's some background: As I briefly mentioned in my previous post, Hunter is usually the bully of the family. He's only 3, but the kid is insanely strong. He has completely knocked me over on more than one occasion. Instances of Hunter being the victim are few and far between, so much so that when the following scenario went down during Sunday's family photo shoot, my sister opted to keep the camera rolling over helping the poor kid. Pay close attention to the action going on between Hunter and Seth.

That is hilarious! I love the look on Seth's face! He knows he so won. :)
(Poor Hunter!)
You look fine!!! Way to show him who is boss Seth. ha ha. Priceless is a perfect word for the last pic. Love it.
I love this post! Poor Hunter! :(
Go Seth! That was so hilarious. Ashlynn was full on belly laughing and had to keep scrolling through again and again.
Totall hilarious!!! I love when the little guy rules....I love that your sister kept the camera rolling--those pictures are worth a thousand words. I am so glad to see your smiling face!!!! Love ya.
Thanks for a great giggle!!!
I totally get the chin thing! I hate that myself, but I am sooooo glad you shared.
It is amazing how much Brigham looks like your Dad and Chris when he smiles big. Your boys are all so beautiful. Of course they have great genes.
Funny that you had the same experience that we just had...but ours was last night instead. Beckett is quite the bully of our family as well. Ethan and I paid a visit to the ER last night since Beckett whacked him on the cheek bone with a metal leg that he literally broke off of Megan's baby crib. So as the story goes he luckily ended up with just some glue since he freaked out about getting a shot in his face to numb it. Oh the DRAMA!! So all in all Beckett pretty much rules this house! Maybe next time he won't think it's so funny when Beckett comes at him with a metal leg!:0) I for some reason cannot get the pictures to load to my computer so as soon as I get it to work I will post them so you can see what I am talking about. TOO FUNNY!! I think Beckett and Seth would get along perfectly!
Such cute pictures! I love pictures of laughter - you look great. Poor Hunter... but I had to laugh.
I think I have looked at this five times. Poor little Hunter, but dang it is too funny! Priceless!!!
Hunter looks completely defeated in the last picture. It is great. And Seth is totally looking at him with his "I"m it!" face. Too dang funny!
I think, to Hunter's credit, we should let it be known that he has not tried to retaliate in any way and does not seem to hold any kind of grudge concerning the incident. I have to agree that it was pretty funny, though!
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