This is what constitutes "happy holidays" for Brigham:

Hunter's version of the Nativity Story:
Hunter greeted Christmas Eve carolers by licking the window by the front door. Brigham was quick to join in:
Brigham and Hunter were asleep by 7:30 pm. Seth rang in the New Year with the grands. Don't mind the nasty bib, his face was just too cute to not post:
Ami's friend Cara, Ami and I rang in the New Year with a midnight 5k run along the river downtown. That shine on my face is frozen sweat. It was 26 degrees.
Love the frozen sweat comment. That seriously is a great way to start the new year. Way to go girls. And yes, I would have to say your 2009 motto fits pretty good!
You and the Nielson's should share the motto. Good grief! Here's to happier times ahead.
I too am a fan of greeting carolers with a few empahtic window licks. also...a 5k on New Years Eve? Are you crazy? There are only a few things I hate in life and three of them are cold weather, the outdoors and exercise. The thought of all three together is pretty horrifying.
Hannah decided that baby Jesus needed a little white poodle with a pink tail, Nativities are never boring with 3 year olds! Loved the elf jammies, cracks me up. Happy new year!
love the motto...and the 'tude.
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