Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quirky Brigham

I am an equal opportunities mother so this morning I thought I'd let you in on one of Brigham's quirks. Brigham is an emotional eater. Probably not a common thing for a boy, especially one as young as he is, but it's true. Someone asked me once how I could tell something like this. Here's how:

We moved to Gilbert when Brigham was about 4 1/2 years old. Not long after we moved in, we were sitting in church one morning. Brigham pointed at a man sitting up front who was not smiling, and said, "He wooks wike he needs some bwownies."

For Brigham, and let's face it, for a lot of us, brownies and cookies make everything better!


Becky said...

Amen Brigham!

Jill said...

That is really funny! Kids just know that choclate solves a lot of our troubles, ok maybe not solve but helps us deal!

Anonymous said...

That is some serious observation for such a little guy! He has learned a valuable lesson early in life! I love that in the Harry Potter books chocolate is remedy for the effects of the dementors. It's so true.

Brooke said...

That is my kind of guy!! It is so true though.

Staci Kramer said...

Okay, I have no idea if you are anywhere near the crazy tornados but I was so worried about you guys. get those cute kids into the cellar or whatever you do. Oh, and tell Brigham to watch out for dwarves.