Saturday, February 21, 2009

1 Post 'Til My Birthday

12. For as long as I can remember I have had a huge crush on Matt Lauer.
13. Italy and Greece are my dream vacation spots.
14. I haven't eaten salmon since 2004. It used to be one of my favorite foods, but I threw it up once and haven't been able to eat it since.
15. When I was in college I wanted to be a documentary film maker.
16. My feet have permanently grown 1/2 a size with each pregnancy.
17. I have a Bachelor's degree in News Broadcasting.
18. I will never buy a car without a sunroof--it's one of my favorite features.
19. My mom says I didn't really have a first word, I had a first sentence and it was "No, I don't think I'll do that because..."
20. I never have and never will (sometimes it's okay to say never) read a book with "Idiots Guide To" or "For Dummies" in the title because I am neither an idiot nor a dummy.
21. Reading Rainbow has been one of my favorite shows pretty much my whole life.
22. I don't know how to play the harmonica.


Staci Kramer said...

Great posts! I laughed out loud several times. Matt Lauer?!?! I can't tell you how I miss you lately. I hope your day tomorrow is wonderful. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people in the whole world!

Brenda said...

Yes! Matt Lauer. Once in an interview someone asked him if he could change one thing about himself what would it be. He said, "I'd be more like the guy wearing the lamp shade at the party and less like the guy straightening the shade." I could so relate!