Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolution for 2010

Thinking back to last New Year's Day, I can't help but be a little disappointed with this New Year's Day. If I'm writing candidly, I have to admit that I'm nowhere near where I thought I'd be a year ago. I'd be ungrateful if I didn't acknowledge the positive things that have happened for my family in 2009, but still I think I set my expectations a little high.

Probably from thinking about this combined with everyday stress and tension, the other day I had a massive headache. A headache so bad that at a couple of points I thought death would be less painful. Then I ate an apple and my headache morphed into little more than a dull pain. I started thinking about that show "Mythbusters"...

I hate that show. Ordinarily I try to avoid use of the word "hate" because it's so negative. But I really hate that show. Is it that one guy's seriously annoying mustache that leads me to feel so strongly about the show? Or is it the fact that whenever it's on I find myself internally begging these morons to grow up and find a real job? But if I really think about it, these people are being paid lots of money to figure out whether or not there's any legitimacy to MacGyver's escape tactics so who am I to begrudge them that?

Back to my headache and the apple...I'm pretty sure it was the motion of chewing and the pressure of the apple on my teeth that relaxed my jaw and decreased the intensity of the pain in my head. But the old adage came to mind: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." What if there's something to that? What if the healing powers of the basic apple extend beyond TMJ and headaches?

RESOLVED, and thereby infinitely lowering my expectations for 2010, I am going to test the apple a day theory by eating an apple every single day for the entire year. I'm being influenced by the handful of episodes of Mythbusters I've suffered through for sure, but what could it hurt? By the end of the year I could be in better shape than ever and planning a vacation with the money I've saved on copays.


- jeana said...

sounds like a marvelous idea...except i HATE eating apples. if i could get someone to cut it and dip it in carmel for me, maybe that would help...unfortunately, no one is volunteering. =( i'll stick with the new purse pursuit. keep us posted on the apple eating... =) mucho loves!

Melinda said...

and if it works, you can write a health or diet book about how eating an apple a day is the new health craze...

Lauri said...

I am allergic to apples, and I LOVE Jamie's mustache!!!! I also would think you would like his dry personality. So you.

The Wiltbank Bunch said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! My husband loves that show and I too HATE it! Not sure why other than the obvious reasons you stated (moustache and the fact that the men are nothing but a bunch of boys who WON'T GROW UP!) Anyway...let me know how that theory works....I have TMJ and it hasn't bothered me a lot until about 3 month it seems to be coming back with a vengence!