Thursday, May 14, 2009

Re-runs (The Good Kind)

One of my favorite things about having all boys is that I get to see their adorable clothes on more than one kid. I was going through a bin of clothes the other day and was so sad when I pulled this one out. It was one of my favorites on Brigham and Hunter, but for Seth to get much use out of it he should have been wearing it two months ago. It fit Brigham and Hunter like a romper. It fits Seth like an old-fashioned swimming suit. Even though I knew it would be snug, I had to get it on him at least once...

When Hunter saw Seth squirming around the house in this outfit he said, "He wooks wike a ant." I guess because of the knots sticking up on either side of the hat?

Seth's grandma thinks he was sad because his mom made him wear a ridiculous hat, but he had the same expression on his face when the hat came off.

Sorry the pictures are kinda dark. I hear there's software out there that can fix these things. Maybe one of these days I'll check it out. For now, you get dark pictures. At least the kid is cute.


- jeana said...

i think he wooks wike a elf. a REALLY cute elf. :)

Anonymous said...

A wiwee cute elf!

I had this tiny preemie onesie with legs and long sleeves that had little animals on it, and their names were Bobo, Spot and Puff. It didn't have footies, so yummy baby feet stuck out the ends! It was, and still is, my most favorite baby outfit.

Gardner Family said...

So so cute! Sounds just like Beckett who will be 2 in July and is outgrowing the size three we bought him at Christmas. He is like a mini Mack truck...literally. Get those clothes on him now 'cause he will outgrow them just as fast as Beckett has. :0)

dustin and amy said...

Sometimes I feel like it's Christmas when I pull out a handmedown from one of the older kiddos, I have my favorites! I just washed all the baby clothes that were Little E's, for the new baby and it made me a little giddy!

Whitny said...

Oh my gosh. How do you keep from eating him up. What an adorable baby.